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RV SaltShakers

Preaching the Gospel of Jesus, Through the Power of the Spirit, for the Glory of the Father.

Hunger For You.mp3
00:00 / 04:07


About RV Saltshakers

Here at RV SaltShakers, we desire to unite, equip, and encourage those who have hearts to reach the lost in our areaespecially through personal evangelism, tract distribution, and Gospel preaching.

Started by Jon Clement in 2008, inspired by my evangelism ministry friends JR Stevens, Greg Beals, Rick Devos, Wayne Boyd, and Dave Mazzella.


UNITE: A page where Christians can meet one another and get involved in The Great Commission, find where God can use them to reach unsaved people in local mission efforts. I've met several people in the last couple of years that want to do outreach, but not alone. That's been my leaning as well :^). We want to focus on the essentials of the Bible and not debate secondary issues, as there is a better time and venue for this activity. There are many different venues to share the Gospel, including: activities with family, friends, co-workers, and strangers. The outreaches can be many different places, such as fairs, parades, abortion mills, LGI3TQ festivals, Women's Marches, Pro-life gatherings, or any other public event, where people can be engaged in conversations about the things of God. Door-to-door is another effective, yet neglected venue to share the Gospel.


EQUIP: Another purpose to enable this group to share ideas for outreach and evangelism, posting events that others can attend and help out with. We can enable each other to put the principles of Biblical evangelism to work in a practical way, helping each other by teaching, by example, and by experience. Typically using Living Waters tracts, and training material, we want to equip saints to do the work of the ministry, covering witnessing using The Law, apologetics, and creation science.


ENCOURAGE: We can encourage one another, as we invite people to help out with events, share experiences with each other, and pray for one another, and watch as God uses us, as we reach out in love to our lost friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and especially those that we have not yet met :^). We can develop friendships and a network of believers to reach out to our community and share the Gospel, while there is yet time.


AFFILIATIONS: There are several churches represented by myself and friends, but the focus here is reaching the lost, not promoting a particular church or denomination, as there are many good churches in the area, and we want to point new Christians (as they get saved) to a church that is in close proximity to them, that they would grow strong in.


Statement of Faith:

1. We believe in the Bible as the final authority for doctrine and Christian living.

2. We believe in the Trinity, that is simply explained as one God, eternally existing in three persons; The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ.

4. We believe in salvation by grace alone (apart from works), through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, but that our faith is never alone (It's accompanied by works; it's a dynamic faith, not a dead faith, nor a demonic faith).

5. We believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, sinless and perfect, without blemish.

6. We believe in an eternal Heaven and a physical, conscious torment in Hell.

7. We believe that every true Christian has a moral responsibility to share the gospel (Mark 16:15, 1 Cor 15:1-4) with the lost, and to that end we seek to promote that as a group.

8.We are a mixture of Calvinists (reformed), Arminianists, and Idon'tknowianists (not sure where they fall on the scale), and seek to proclaim Law and gospel faithfully, even amidst our theological differences. Here are some audio files, called "Hell's Best Kept Secret" and "True and False Conversion" to get you started. 


What we do

I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes

The Signs

Oh my!  The right sign in the right setting invites so much interaction!  We take and use gospel signs to physically communicate gospel truth, and then engage people encouraging them to repent and believe in Christ.  


Booth Ministry

Our Bread and Butter!  Whenever possible, we set up a booth at fairs and festivals.   The banner asks a simple questsion,

"Are You a Good Person."

We have handed out thousands of tracts and have been blessed with hundreds of gospel conversations in connections with this booth.

Open Air Preaching

The Gospel is the verbal proclamation of the Good News of Jesus to every tribe tongue and nation. This word never goes out void, and is the power of God for salvation.  The preacher is the lightning rod, drawing the attention and disdain from some.  He also gets encouragement from others.  Many fruitful conversations come from engaging those on the outside, listening and thinking about the things of God. 


We go to a crowd that is hostile toward God and Christians, to proclaim the Law and gospel, praying God will grant them repentance and faith, knowing that His word does not return void, all to the glory of God.

College Outreach

College Outreach


RV SaltShakers - ©2023 

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